Mumbai: Paoli Dam in a swift shot to fame with her dare bare act in Vikram Bhatt’s ‘Hate Story’ and now actress reportedly will go nude for the next venture coming her way. Reports says that Paoli has been offered a role in an international film titled ‘Choli Ke Peeche’, for which actress has to expose her flesh to the maximum. Film was earlier offered to Nandana Sen and Shahana Goswami but they declined to barely brandish themselves on screen. While speaking to a leading daily Paoli disclosed the reason of opting roles which are not constraint into boundaries. She said, “I am a performer and when I bare all, it is only for my job. As an actor, I have no inhibitions; I just play a character. But yes, if I am not comfortable with something, I will not do it.” When asked about why her identity in the bare back poster, which was used for the promotion of ‘Hate Story’, was not revealed for a long time she said, “I had no idea that my character and my identity on the poste...
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