New Delhi: With IPL 2013 beginning there has been a barrage of deals and Internet activity in the cyber age. In a similar kind of deal Times Internet has announced renewing its ties with Youtube for 2013 and 2014 to stream Indian Premier League (IPL) matches. Means it could be read that the six edition of IPL could be seen at Youtube. This piece of information would be a delightful experience for millions of net savvy cricket fans who work in Internet set ups or use smartphones. Elaborating the deal, Times Internet shared that the live streaming of all 76 matches of IPL 6 will be available on Youtube across the world except the US and Canada. It is to mention here that Times Internet is the global Internet, mobile and audio rights' partner for the IPL. "As part of the deal, YouTube will have exclusive live- streaming rights for desktop web viewing (with a five minute delay in India) and non-exclusive rights for mobile viewing through the 2013 and 2014 tour...
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